I vowed to keep this blog up to date this year, but I didn't anticipate getting stuck in the states, or coming back to a huge work load and staying up 24/7 watching the news in anticipation for a good outcome from this election. Which hasn't happened.
Nearly a month away from university and I have so much to upload on to here. I think I am going to upload the photos and drawings from my trip in sections of places that I visited, intermixed with work I have been doing since I have been back in the UK.

After flying in to LAX, hiring a car and having no idea what the speed limit was, how to drive an automatic, how to use the petrol pumps or indeed which type of petrol the car took, we headed north on the Pacific Coast Highway and stopped off in a shady motel for the night in Santa Monica.
The next day we drove to Malibu for the day and then on to Santa Barbara. It took a little longer than expected, as it's impossible to drive over 50mph on the PCH. So 6pm we roll in to Santa Barbara. Sarah pulls the car over in front of an art gallery and I run to the visitors centre, but it's closed. When I return to the car a man comes over. Turns out we've pulled up outside his house, which is a huge old building that he has converted into a flat and an art gallery. He offers us his place for the night, for free. We look around. Surf boards. Golden Retriever. Roof terrace. Beers. Hand made furniture. Could this be more perfect, or Californian?
We stay up late talking of traveling, politics, art, films, literature. The owner's name is Richard and he tells us that he bought this building when he was our age and has slowly built it up himself into one of the best laid out houses I have ever seen. Jet lagged, we hit the hay and plan to spend the day roaming Santa Barbara tomorrow.
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