Finally, I am free from the clutches of university work for 4 months! It couldn't have been planned better, what with the amazing weather. Anyway, I've finally had time to re-size some more photographs, so we shall carry on with the USA trip.

I just love the North American landscape. San Jacinto mountain is in the Southern California desert but it's always covered in snow, as it's something like 8000 feet above sea level. The locals told us to wrap up warm, because "its cold up there". Needless to say, denim shorts and a small leather jacket sufficed, we being hardy northern lasses. We found sticks, posed on trees, rambled through some snow and tried to find some bob cats. Didn't happen. We didn't spend long up there, as it was getting on in the day and we had to get to our next destination, Joshua Tree National Park.

View of San Jacinto from our condo in Palm springs.
After Coachella festival ended, with all it's pool parties, amazing bands and expensive beer, we woke up the next morning to find out our flights home have been cancelled due to a bloody massive volcano errupting.
Not only did this volcano mean we were stuck in America for an unforseeable amount of time, but it also meant our friends Delphic didn't make it over for the festival, which sucked. So to keep busy while we waited to see what was going to happen to us, we went up San Jacinto mountain in a fucking rotating cable car. Scary doesn't cover it.
It was stood right there up top of San Jacinto that we re-scheduled our flights with Virgin Atlantic for the 1st May, which gave us an extra 2 weeks in the states. Oh! The possibilities.

San Jacinto State Park office.
We figured we'd stay in Palm Springs for a few more days, make the most of the sun and a condo with a pool and a BBQ all to ourselves, before heading into LA for 5 days and then flying to New York for the rest of the time before our flight home from JFK on the 1st.

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